Sun: 12 - 5pm

Fax: 714-974-5798
The first of its kind in the city of Orange, GreenCoast Orange was opened in 2006 to serve the grower community living in Orange County. With a 6500 square foot warehouse, Orange is always stocked to the top with the equipment needed to grow in a multitude of ways. Plus, if it’s not there, Orange can get it. The main entrance is in the back of the building, through the roll up door. A secondary entrance is through the front, a short walk past the 10ft. hydroponic banana tree. Upon entry, you will find a top of the line, state-of-the-art grow room with four 1000w lights set up. Don’t miss the aquaculture system used to raise koi in the adjacent pool, constructed mainly to offer tattoo ideas to our customers. GreenCoast Orange was constructed with the mindset of creating a peaceful, family-friendly educational atmosphere to help “demystify” hydroponics. It is a learning center and as such, we welcome the more curious and question-laden patrons. Our friendly and experienced staff are here to answer anything you might have.
Want to check out the best place in Orange County for growing? Be it under the sun or under a light, come by and have a visit.
Check out our Professional Services page to see what we have to offer to the clients that require an in-depth and tailored approach to their commercial grow system.
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
This location is now Elevated Equipment Supply!