Sun: Closed

Fax: 909-605-5778
GreenCoast Ontario, opened in 2010, is an impressive 12,000 square foot retail showroom located and visible along the 15 freeway, between the 10 and the 60 freeways. The sixth member of the GreenCoast Hydroponics family, the Inland Empire now has access to the most experienced hydroponic retail establishment available. Located in a small business park off of Rochester, the entrance of the store is in the front where you will find a demonstration foyer. Set up inside is an impressive 12 light “Grow” set up. Go through the second set of doors to find the spacious retail space. With a Nutrient Wall on the left, space for soils, and backstock space to match, Ontario has a WIDE selection of all products. As with all GreenCoast locations, if we don’t have it in the store, we can order it. Ontario is staffed with extremely friendly salesforce members who also pack an impressive amount of knowledge. Come by to experience the same friendly environment that all GreenCoast locations offer, the free deals and great quality of service that is standard to GreenCoast as a whole.
Check out our Professional Services page to see what we have to offer to the clients that require an in-depth and tailored approach to their commercial grow system.
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This location is now Elevated Equipment Supply!
This location is now Elevated Equipment Supply!
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